Saturday, September 30, 2006

Life Extern

After what turned into a long 2nd night in Berlin, the ROBOEXOTICA delegation has settled at Tacheles extern, where Cockbot One is mixing a drink for our currently sole visitor as I write this.
Defunct Gesundheit is decorating the window and Robomoji is showing signs of deterioration.
Alan happily films and projects and Bic-o-mat, the smoking robot is hazardously placed on a full barrel of oil.
What shall I say, Life is good and Cockbot One's daiquiris are delicious.

1 comment:

bereweber said...

finally catching up Robos & Cocktails ;)
i hope one day i get to try the Cockbot One's daiquiris! and oh well, some of the second-hand smoke of that unhealthy one

hope robots and Vienna are treating you right :)