Monday, November 13, 2006

Cardboard coming to Life

When a board-game is turning into a game of cardboard robots!
Vienna resident eSeL will stage a life-sized version of the game Ricochet Robot at the opening eve of this year's ROBOEXOTICA, Dec. 5th.

This here is the first prototype he built, together with his pal KaCe - in the end the robot-players will be brightly colored ... and instead of paper-icons they will be moving around hot drinks on the field in Museumsquartier's courtyard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


these are just rough designs by the genious KaCe (Clemens Kindermann) - and he will probably kill me to find pictures of his "unfinished" prototypes online. >;e)

(there will be extra gloves, body and of course "leggings")

by the way: anyone interested to serve behind the mask during robo´s opening?

those nice robot-gloves are available at H&M for 5 Euros (and include a (printed) calculator on the inside.